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What Is Black Box AI?

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May 9, 2024
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When discussing the trustworthiness of AI, a common term that arises is “black box.” Black box systems can cause problems, and it’s important to understand why.

The term “black box” in AI refers to systems or models with internal workings that are opaque or difficult to interpret. This concept is particularly important when discussing the trustworthiness, fairness and audit-ability of AI systems. Here are the primary concerns associated with black box AI systems:

1. Opacity of decision-making

Black box AI models make decisions that are not easily explainable to humans. This means that the path from input to output is not transparent, making it challenging to understand why the AI made certain decisions.

2. Challenges for trustworthiness

A lack of transparency in AI systems can erode trust among users and stakeholders, as they are unable to verify how decisions are made. This opacity also makes it more challenging to ensure that the AI system behaves as intended across various scenarios.

3. Concerns of fairness

Without clear insight into the AI’s decision-making process, it becomes challenging to identify and address potential biases in the model. As a result, these systems may inadvertently discriminate against certain groups, and there is no transparent way to detect or correct these issues.

4. Auditing challenges

Traditional auditing methods may be insufficient for black box systems, as it is harder to verify compliance with regulations or ethical guidelines when the internal logic is not clear. This lack of transparency makes it challenging to ensure these systems adhere to necessary standards and operate as intended.

5. Regulatory issues

Some regulations, such as the EU's GDPR, include provisions about the right to explanation for automated decisions affecting individuals. Black box models can make it challenging to comply with such requirements, as the lack of transparency hinders the ability to provide clear explanations for the decisions made by these AI systems.

Ensuring Transparency and Trust with in Regulated Industries

Explainable AI (XAI)  has emerged as a response to the challenge posed by black box models. It addresses these challenges by focusing on making AI more interpretable and understandable. Techniques such as LIME, SHAP, and attention visualization are designed to provide clear insights into how models make decisions, thereby enhancing transparency and trust. This is particularly important in highly regulated industries like insurance and legal, where the use of opaque, black box AI systems can substantially increase legal and reputational risks. Consequently, it's crucial to choose an AI provider that’s committed to transparency, ensuring that their models are not black boxes but are understandable and verifiable.

DigitalOwl offers click-to-evidence features for easy verification of results, ensuring transparency and trustworthiness. Visit digitalowl.com/trust to learn more about our privacy and security practices. 

Want to learn more about evaluating the reliability of AI for medical record analysis? Download our recent white paper here.

About the author

DigitalOwl is the leading InsurTech platform empowering insurance professionals to transform complex medical data into actionable insights with unprecedented speed and accuracy. “View,” “Triage,” “Connect” and “Chat,” with medical data for faster, smarter medical reviews, and create “Workflows” to experience dramatic time savings with fast, flexible decision trees.